Wednesday 31 March 2010

Y10 Business Studies visit West Ham Utd

Business Studies take every opportunity to exploit their industrial links, providing pupils with a richer experience from which to draw for their coursework. Fortunately, we are well positioned at Cumberland School and find ourselves within a short distance of a number of high profile organisations.

Today Ms Lewis took a group of Year 10 BTEC candidates to West Ham Utd, where pupils saw at first hand the multitude of ways that the football club generates income. A tour took in the home and away changing rooms, the director's stand, the director's box, a hotel room, the press room, a functions suite, the bar and reception, as well as the pitch edge. The hosts, Tom and Nadirah, were fabulous and regaled pupils with countless interesting facts - including, to Georgia's amazement, that the grass on the pitch can be heated up using underground heating!!

Monday 29 March 2010

Stomp Workshop

Year 10 BTEC Performing Arts and GCSE Drama candidates joined Stomp in workshops on Monday.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Dragons Den

Fifty Year 7 pupils were split into ten groups to take part in a Dragons Den project. Each group were given a starting point to improve our school, which included litter, the courtyards and corridor display. The groups put together a PowerPoint presentation, a written pitch, a budget and a survey during PSHE and after school. On Wednesday morning a team of professional consultants from Ernst and Young assisted the groups with their School Improvement Initiatives and gave them advice and tips for their group presentations. Everyone prepared well for their pitches and worked extremely hard. In PSHE they entered the Dragons Den. The Dragons were Ms Moore, Mr Hughes, Mr Jagwani and two School Council reps from Year 10, Christos and Megan. Four groups were selected as finalists, and they will now have more time to develop their School Improvement Initiatives for Litter, the Courtyards, the Display and Parent Clubs. They will have a conference call with their Ernst and Young consultant to help finalise their presentation to check everything is ready. We will take the groups to Ernst and Young's offices in Waterloo on Wednesday night for the final Dragons Den. Watch out for the winners!

Headteacher's Commendations

Congratulations to all those who have been commended for their work during the past week.
Daniela Rodriguez Villegas 10U
Melanie Mamood 9L
Monika Varsani 9N
Petros Akin-Nibusun 9B
Ali Muridi 9U
Montano Sinclair 9E
Afsar Choudhury 9B
Christos Simos 10U
Ihsaanul Hoque 10A
Siddique Ahmad 10C
Egla Loshi 11L
Nada Imane 11L
Aaron Hanif 9M
DuaAshraf 9L
Phuong Nguyen 9B
Blue Turner 10C
Dat Doan 10E
Jordan Cook 10U
Kim Doan 10M
Lok Kei Wan 11L
Samatar Axmed 11E
Huong Nguyen 11R
Joko Sanyang 11M
Apsara Liyakath 11B
Tahiyat Huq 11E

Thursday 25 March 2010

Staff 5-a-side Football

Staff 5-a-side football takes place after school every Wednesday in our sports hall.

Saturday 20 March 2010

New surf star found at Cumberland School

Potential ‘surfers of the future’ showed off their talent in East London recently as several hundred students from Cumberland School tried their hand at surf sports, including Street Surfing and dry-land surfing, at the first ever Calypso Surf Anywhere Tour. All this was done in the school gym without the need for a beach, the sea or waves. There was one winner – 15 year old Jessica Harman. Jessica will now be attending an ‘all expenses’ paid trip to a special Calypso Surf Academy in Cornwall. She will learn to surf under the guidance of top surf coaches with seven other winners from schools all over the UK. The Academy is supported by Calypso Aquajuice, the company which sponsors the Junior British Surfing Team.

Sports Results

Boys U/16's Newham mini league:
Cumberland beat Stratford 20-8
lost to Royal Docks 3-20
lost to Rokeby 6-34

Yr 7's lost to Sarah Bonell 1-8
Yr 8's lost to Sarah Bonell 0-7

Congratulations to Yr 7 who have reached the final of the London Cup. Match report to follow.

Work Experience update

The deadline for year 10 pupils to submit their work placement options online is March 30th. We have also allowed pupils to once again find their own placement and the deadline for submitting the 'own find' forms is also March 30th. All 'own find' forms must be submitted to Mr Jagwani. If you need a form please see either Mr Green or Mr Jagwani. This year we have received just over 50 'own find' applications which is the highest the school has received from a year group so well done to all those pupils. The website for the online options is:

Don't forget to pick a MINIMUM of 4 options and click submit when you are happy with your choices.

Friday 19 March 2010

Romeo and Juliet

The whole of Year 9 watched a performance of Romeo and Juliet by the Young Shakespeare Company today. The pupils helped to direct scenes from the play ,telling the actors the way that they should deliver their lines and how the play should be performed. Everyone enjoyed the show!

Thursday 18 March 2010

Year 10 Internal Exams

The internal exams for Year 10 started this week. GCSE art students worked for two days, 10 hours in total, producing some excellent work. Congratulations to all our Year 10 artists.

Sunday 14 March 2010

You may think school is closed on the weekend...

...but you'd be wrong! This weekend for example, at least 10 teachers were spotted in school, providing a range of support and activities for the school's pupils as well as Saturday School, which Mr Wallis coordinates, for local primary school pupils.

Above we see Mr Sarumi teaching Spanish in Saturday School.

Ms Dewing and Ms Tobias were in with KS4 pupils, rehearsing Drama.

Ms Lewis and Mr Ali had a group of Y11 pupils in working on their ICT coursework.

Ms Raines was catching up with admin. So was Ms Kelly and Ms Healy - but they were camera-shy!

Mr Lewis had a group of Y11 pupils in working on their Graphics coursework.

Mr Bowes and Ms Doyle were also in with Y11 working on GCSE and BTEC coursework.
What a fantastic testament to all those pupils who care about their achievement!

Friday 12 March 2010

Headteacher's Commendations

Congratulations to all those who have recently received a Headteacher's Commendation

Muhyidin Adan 8D
Bradley Joseph 8C
Sabina Ymeraj 7A
Jessica Harman 9C
Dat Doan 10E
Callan Dray10E
Mohamed Kamal10U
Iris Kamara10U
Abdul Ikar10U
Famiya Abdul10R
Zainab Nafeel10A
Trisha Dhanak10E
Joseph Gunnarsson7L
Sara El-Attaoui 7L
Charlie Saville7L
Jessica Eze7L
Tamika Watkin-Williams7C
Supti Aktar 7C
Kelsey Abbott7N
Monika Narvydiene 7N
Chloe Winnard 7N
Elizabeth Battle 8B
Harry Hudson8M
Daniel Kovacs 8L
Ishrat Jahan8N
Tobi Olaitan8N
Jean Gregory8N
Elizabeth Battle8B
Omar Akhtar10B
Abigail Lynch10B
Elizabeth Jammeh10B

Sports results:

Girls Football
Year 8/9 Newham 5-a side.
Cumberland came 3rd in their group but unfortunately failed to qualify for finals.
Well done to all those who took part.

Boys Basketball
U/12's Newham Cup
Congratulations to the Year 7 team for making the semi-finals, where they lost to Forest Gate.

Year 10 Work experience

Pupils can access their online account by logging onto:
Please see your tutor or Mr Jagwani (Room S19) for your unique pin number and remember if you submit your choices you cannot change them, so please make sure you pick a minimum of 4 choices before submitting.

Parents can access the website from home and help their child making suitable choices.
Follow us on Twitter to keep up with updates on Work Experience:

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Young animators' video has arrived

Here's the animation video that Fateha and Nhi made over half term (see post below).

Friday 5 March 2010

Sports News

Yr 7 London Cup, Cumberland beat Richard Chandlor 5-4
Yr 8 Cumberland vs Brampton 6-4 (Friendly)
Yr 8 Cumberland came 4th in Newham 7- a-side cup
Yr 9 Cumberland vs Rokeby 2 -1 (Friendly)
Yr 11 Cumberland vs Greenwich Polytechnic (4-6) London Cup

Yr 7 Cumberland came 4th in Newham 7-a - side competition

Yr 7 Cumberland lost to Plashet 5 -6
Yr 7 Cumberland lost to Statford 0-3
Yr8 Cumberland lost to Plashet 0-7

Boys: U/14: Friendly vs Brampton, Cumberland won 64-38


Head teacher’s Commendation
The following pupils have recently been sent letters of commendation as a result of recommendation by one of their subject teachers. Head teacher Commendations are sent to pupils whose behaviour or progress is worthy of a special mention.

Daniel Kovacs 8L
Mohammed Hanafi 10L
Asha Davis 10C
Blue Turner 10C
Jayshree Solanki 9C

Sports Partnership

Active Lifestyles Trailblazers Project
The Cumberland School Sport Partnership has been selected by the Youth Sport Trust to pilot a project linked to tackling obesity with reception year children, in view of the Borough’s high childhood obesity levels. 10 of the Partnership’s primary schools are involved with the project. The project is funded by the DCSF as part of its commitment to the national obesity strategy and it supports schools to think differently about how they offer physical activity opportunities to young people. On Thursday 4th March I was invited to meet the Minister of State for Children – Dawn Primarolo and observe the project in action.

Geography Visit

Geography Department views the Olympic Site
On Monday 1st March I had the pleasure of visiting the Olympic Viewing Gallery with Year 10 Geography pupils. Despite the miserable weather on the day we were given an excellent update on the many exciting developments coming to Newham as part of the 2012 Olympics. The behaviour of the pupils was excellent.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Business Studies display coursework at Tate and Lyle

Hendry Amiryan accompanied Ms Lewis to put up a display of his class' BTEC Business coursework at Tate and Lyle in Silvertown today. The work was carried out after an educational visit to Tate and Lyle in December. Year 10 wanted employees and visitors to the factory to see how their coursework had benefitted from the educational visit, enabling pupils to better visualise and understand the issues they had to analyse in their work.