Friday 18 December 2009

Parents/Carers message - December 2009

As we approach the end of term and prepare for the holiday period I would like to thank the pupils, staff and the many parents I have met for the support I have received since becoming Headteacher in September.

I have spent a lot of time talking to pupils during break, lunchtime and as I visit lessons. One thing that is very clear to me is that the vast majority of our pupils enjoy school, feel safe and are working hard to achieve their potential. There is always room for improvement and the teachers and support staff are all working to ensure that all our pupils can make the progress they are capable of.

As parents, one of most important things is the progress being made in lessons. I have therefore provided you with the key dates for Parents Evenings. Please make a note of the date of your child’s Parents Evening as I believe it is very important that you make every effort to attend this important event.

Parents Evenings 2010

Year 9 Thursday January 28
Year 11 Thursday February 11
Year 10 Thursday May 27
Year 8 Thursday June 17
Year 7 Thursday July 8

I am available to meet parents if you have any unresolved concerns. If you are unable to visit during the day, I am available every Tuesday 5.30 – 6.30pm by appointment. Please contact Mrs Sandra Bailey Acting School Manager.

Some key dates for the spring term
Jan 11 Yr 10 Hair & Beauty Principal Learning Exam
Jan 13 Yr 11 Applied Business
Jan 13 Yr 10 Hospitality Principal Learning
Jan 21 Yr 10 Diphtheria/Tetanus inoculations
Jan 25 Yr 10 CSI Day
Jan 26 Yr 11 Health & Social Care
Jan 26 Yr 10 ICT Functional Skills Resits
Jan 27 Yr 10 Diphtheria/Tetanus Catch-Ups
Jan 28 Yr 10 Religious Studies
Feb 1 Yr 7 Enterprise Day
Feb 3 Yr 9 Enterprise Day
Feb 15 – 19 Half-Term
Mar 2 Yr 10 & Yr 11 Maths (Resits)
Mar 3 & 5 Yr 10 & Yr 11 Science Modules
Mar 26 Yr 11 GCSE Drama Performance to Parents
Mar 30 Yr 8 Girls HPV Inoculation
School closes for Spring Bank Holiday Thursday 1 April. First day back for pupils Monday 19 April.

Attendance and Punctuality
Our pupil’s attendance to school is generally good but it could be even better. There is a very clear link between good attendance and examination success. Please ensure your child’s attendance is the best it can be.

Punctuality to school and lessons is monitored daily. If your child’s punctuality is causing a concern you will have received a voicemail from myself asking for your support in improving the situation. Pupils whose punctuality remains a problem will be expected to make up for the lost time.

Holidays during term time
Permission for holidays during term time will not be given as I believe taking your child out of school during term time can seriously disadvantage them.

Cumberland Cares at Christmas

Although many of our pupils ‘care’ all year round it has been very pleasing to see so many pupils and staff raising funds to support a number of local charities. The Cumberland Cares at Christmas campaign is supporting Richard House, NSPCC, Save the Children and Winston’s Wish.

Spring Term begins January 4. There will be a late start for pupils to allow for some staff Inset. Pupils should arrive for registration at 9:40am. Gates will open at 9.15. Pupils who have borough transport will be picked up at the usual time.

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