Wednesday 24 February 2010

Half Term Activities

Animation Workshop at the CLC
Fateha Begum and Nhi Nguyen of 8R were selected to join pupils from other Newham schools over half term for a two day animation workshop at the City Learning Centre.

"We used plasticene to make our own characters and then used them to make our own short animated film. We could choose our topic. We chose ‘Litter’.

It was hard to move the characters because we had to move them very slowly to end up with the right effect and each time the character was moved, a photo had to be taken. We had to take about 25 photos to represent just a few seconds of film.

The bit we liked least was making the characters, because it was difficult to get them looking as perfect as we’d have liked them. The best bit was adding the voiceover, because it made our characters come to life. It was also quicker and easier than making the animation part of the film, and if we got it wrong, we could simply and quickly re-record the sound.

If a similar opportunity came up again we’d recommend it to others, because it was a really fun activity".
Nhi & Fateha 8R

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